30 Day Challenges!

Here, we share different 30 Day Challenges, consisting of a particular task or activity for you to focus on. This task could be about anything, such as beating a fear, trying something new, to help you make better room for ”you-time”, or perhaps to just keep you more accountable for something.

By regularly challenging ourselves, developing better habits and routines, we can push our boundaries towards creating a better, healthier and happier ‘us’ - and thereby improve our mental clarity and well-being. Therefore, by following these simple 30 Day Challenges you can get on track towards becoming the ‘you’ you’ve always wanted to be - fun-loving, more confident, healthy and goal-getting! So go get it!

You can either follow the challenges posted monthly here in The Green Space (as part of The Room - Psy), or you can assign yourself some of your own that you create!

Whatever you do, don’t forget to share your journey by posting your progress and adventures to Instagram. Don’t forget to tag @theroompsy and to use the hashtag #TheGreenSpace30DC ! The best inspiring/funny posts will get shared to our insta-story and receive an honorary place in a highlight for being a bad ass!

You can do it! Good luck!