Being Friends With Your Body

Do you constantly check your weight? Are you insecure about the way you look? Do you change your style of clothing because you assume you don't fit well in it?

Many people question themselves daily about their appearance. I am one of them but I have learnt ways to accept my body the way it is. At a young age I never questioned my looks nor was I self conscious about my body. As I grew older and I began observing others, my insecurity stepped in. Many times we try to fit in with the crowd and hence, we assume we should dress or carry ourselves the way a certain group does.

When I entered high school, in my fourth year I started feeling self conscious about my body. I would look at my female classmates and observe how their bodies were shaped almost to perfection. Many times I would go home and stand in front of my mirror and imagine myself in an entirely different body. The question that pondered my mind was, “Why is my body ugly?”

Fast forward to now, almost an adult I still have some troubles with accepting how my body matures but I remember some important details. It is not only about loving yourself but also the fact that you must accept your imperfections and uniqueness. I have grown to accept that not everyone must wear the same size or have the same shape. All body types are beautiful and it is within the individual to love themselves just the way they are.

In my experience, the first step I had to learn was accepting my imperfections. I realized that everyone matures at a different pace and I shouldn't hate myself because my pace is different from everyone else. It just means that my body is uniquely different from others and I must accept the time it takes to flourish.


Below are a few tips on how to love your body, enjoy!

  • Think of your body as the vehicle to your dreams. Honour it. Respect it. Fuel it.

  • Don't let your weight or shape keep you from activities that you enjoy.

  • Wear comfortable clothes that you like, that express your personal style and that feels good to your body.

  • Be your body's friend and supporter.

  • Every morning you wake up, thank your body for resting and rejuvenating itself so you can enjoy your day.

  • Every evening when you go to bed, tell your body how much you appreciate what it has allowed you to do throughout the day.

    (Maine, n.d)



Maine, M., n.d. How to Love Your Body [online]. National Eating Disorders Association. [Accessed 16th September 2019]. Available from:

- By Sasha Singh.